Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write

The person who lives life fully, glowing with life's energy, is the person who lives a successful life.
Daisaku Ikeda

Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write Yazı Tipi

Ağırlıklar ve Stiller

Seçili yazı tiplerini bir web sayfasına gömmek için bu kodu HTML kodlarınızın başına ekleyin.

<link href="https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/yuiangel-111-you-cannot-write" rel="stylesheet">
                            @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/yuiangel-111-you-cannot-write');
CSS olarak kullanım

Bu yazı tipi ailesini kullanmak için aşağıdaki CSS kurallarını kullanın

                                                                    font-family: 'Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write', sans-serif;

Kalınlık ve Stiller (1)

  • Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write 400

Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write Yazı Tipi Ailesi Hakkında

  • Free for personal use

  • Açıklama

    YuiAngel 1.11 You can(not) write

    I designed this font taking inspiration on the Dead Sea Scrolls characters shown in the opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion (https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Sea_Scrolls).

    Hideaki Anno and his team took inspiration from the celestial and angelic alphabets that can easily found on the internet, supposedly a way to communicate with angels through magic or something like that, but I don't give a crap about that stuff. As a fan of that anime, I just wanted to pay tribute to it in a typing manner.

    This font was made by hand in printed Calligrafr template (https://www.calligraphr.com), and there was no attempt to make a a polished version because I wanted a rather crude result due the handwritter diegetical origin of the characters.

    Kudos to La Taberna de Misato on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TabernaDeMisato/)

    This font is released in a Creative Commons Atribution 3.0 Unported licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).

    Have fun.


    Diseñé esta fuente tomando inspiración en los caracteres de los Rollos de Mar Muerto que aparecen en el opening de Neon Genesis Evangelion (https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Sea_Scrolls).

    Hideaki Anno y su equipo se inspiraron en los alfabetos celestial y angelical que pueden ser encontrados fácilmente en el internet, supuestamente sendo una forma para comunicarse con ángeles a través de magia y cosas así, pero la verdad no me importa mucho esa cháchara. Como fan del anime, sencillamente quise hacerle tributo a punta de letras.

    Esta fuente fue hecha con una plantilla impresa de Calligrafr template (https://www.calligraphr.com), y no se hizo ningún intento por hacerla pulida porque quería un resultado crudo deliberado dado el origen manuscrito en el origen de los caracteres dentro de la serie.   More...

    Saludos a La Taberna de Misato on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TabernaDeMisato/)

    Esta fuente es compartida bajo una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


    Unknown Designer tarafından tasarlanan Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write font ailesinin toplam 1 farklı stili var. Yuiangel 111 You Cannot Write yazı tipini bilgisayarınıza indirebilir veya web sitenizde kullanabilirsiniz. Lütfen kullanmadan önce lisans bilgilerini araştırın.
    Desteklenen Diller
    İngilizce, Zuluca

    Karakter Haritası

    ! ! " " ' ' , , . . 0 0 : : ; ; ? ? A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U U V V W W X X Y Y Z Z a a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h i i j j k k l l m m n n o o p p q q r r s s t t u u v v w w x x y y z z
